You’ve likely experienced an auto accident at least once in your lifetime. Even the most minor of fender-benders leaves you shaken at best.
If asked, you’ll easily come up with a few solid answers on what to do when you’re in a smashup. But when taken by surprise, and in the middle of the chaos, it’s just as easy to forget every important thing you should do to protect yourself.
These days there is an app for almost everything and yes there are even apps to help you document and report the details of an accident right at the scene. Unfortunately, this is something we tend not to think about until after an incident. I highly recommend going to your smart phone’s app store and finding one to download and familiarize yourself with.
However, after a collision even handling your phone is perhaps a little frazzling. And remembering that password for the app you downloaded months earlier? Yeah, you know.
So, with all of this in mind, I’ve created a Handy-Dandy Glove Box Guide just for you! It’s an Accident Checklist and Journal meant to offer a little peace of mind in the midst of the unexpected.
What should you do with this Handy-Dandy Glove Box Guide?
I recommend three simple things:
- Print a 2-sided copy out for every vehicle in your family.
- Plan a family meeting. Go over the list and let everyone know where to find it in each of your vehicles.
- Fold the pages in half and tuck-away in your glove box with your insurance information.
At the very least you can get the pertinent information written down and then type it into your app after your heart and the scene settles. I’ve even included a place for you to write in your app name, username & password, so trying to remember won’t be a source of more stress.
Handy-Dandy Glove Box Guide below.
*To print look for the download button on the top tool bar of the document.
Glove Box Guide2