There’s insurance coverage and then there’s INSURANCE COVERAGE – big enough and comprehensive enough to cover all the possibilities. You know, like a giant umbrella. As a business owner, if you don’t have a sufficient amount of coverage, your current policy may not have the extra layer of protection needed for situations that can jeopardize your finances, or even your operations.
With commercial umbrella insurance from Comstock, you can protect your business and your personal assets in the event that your company gets sued in a major lawsuit or major accident, exceeding the limits of your underlying, general, auto, or other business liability policy. Commercial umbrella insurance can also insure an incident that occurs outside of your coverage territory.
The following are examples of situations where commercial umbrella coverage can safeguard your business:
- Accidental falls or slips on your property
- Business vehicle is involved in an accident
- Fire in your building that damages other property
- Libel, slander, or invasion of privacy
- A product you produce causes injury or illness
Why get Commercial Umbrella insurance?
Lawsuits can be expensive and accidents do happen. When it comes to protecting your business, you cannot be too careful with your coverage options. A knowledgeable Comstock agent will work with you to find a level of protection that keeps you and your operations secure. Commercial umbrella insurance from Comstock is simply an affordable coverage that can help you avoid major losses.
Todd Brabbin
775-853-9424 Ext. 218
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Michael Herschbach
775-853-9424 Ext. 203
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Andrew Herschbach
775-853-9424 Ext. 242
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John Sweatt
775-853-9424 Ext. 201
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